domingo, 17 de agosto de 2008


Did you ever ask yourself what is your purpose on this earth? Why are you here? Where are you going? And most important, where are you going to ended up? Simple questions… with simple answers. However there are many who don’t understand, and there many who just don’t care.
When you know who you are and what you can become; there would be nothing you won’t be able to do. When you know who you are and where you came from; there would be no limits for your dreams. When you know who you really are; fear is something you will never feel.
I am a daughter of a King. I always knew I was especial, but I didn’t know how especial I was. My life has changed since then. Should I say my heart had changed? I learn to see life in a different way. I learn to see people with more love. I learn to enjoy the simplest moments, yet the most valuable. I learn to be strong, to be patience, to have faith (faith in things you can’t see but are true). I learn that hope is indeed the last thing you should lose (actually never lose!). I learn that there is more love than you can feel inside of you (inside of me). I learn that a paradise is not a place in your imagination because it exists. I’m going back someday… and I hope to find you there!
That is just a little bit of who I am and a little of what I had learn. There is so much in store for me. There is so much to live for. I have a big mission – which I intent NOT to fail. Someday I will become a queen. I will go back to my father. A father who loves me and that believes in me. A father that guides my steps by lighting the path. I will go back home - there it is where I belong. That is who I AM… and you… do you know who you are?

"Someday I'll find you. Someday you'll find me too; and when I hold you close... YOU WILL NOW THAT IS TRUE!

1 comentario:

Anónimo dijo...

I know is true... and I know I will see you there!